Monday, September 30, 2013

Fall approaching...

Last Saturday I harvested most of our remaining vegetables. It's sad to see my garden withering away but it has served us well. Only things left are some root vegetables, squash, pumpkins, and a Few green tomatoes. I'm already planning out next spring. I will have a lot more free time now that the work is almost done and I'm trying to come up with a hobby door the winter months....

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Things have been crazy here at our homestead. I grossly underestimated the amount of time it would take to maintain along with working full time, socializing, etc. I LOVE it though and I appreciate being busy with projects that save us money and bring us closer to the #selfsufficientdream. Here are some pics from our recent food projects as I attempt to "put up" the harvest....