Sunday, January 27, 2013

Winter walk...

I spent some time walking this weekend around a local farm. I couldn't believe how quiet it was. I loved romping around in the snow with views of trees, pond, and mountains in any direction. It took me back to my days on the ranch. Endless expanses of space, crisp air in the lungs, and the sound of the creek rushing.

It felt almost like home. Almost.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Beginning...

I dream of this life where I wake up early to a home full of kids, a yard full of chickens, and a garden full of life-giving food. It is quiet where I live but the bustle of activites on the homestead creates a blur of noises that are comforting and peaceful. There is much to be done but the hardwork is not the kind done at a desk. It brings sweat to the brow, sun to the face and joy to the soul. It is tough but it wears you out in a good way. There is freedom in the self-sufficiency that is created by inexperienced but determined hands. This is my dream.

I never even knew that this is what I wanted. I spent my life chasing the next big adventure, rushing to reach goals only to move onto the next thing. Always waiting to feel content. Then I met Him. He makes me want to spend hrs digging in the dirt. He makes me want to sit by the fire pit conversing and strumming his mom's guitar until late into the night. He makes me want to be calm and even quiet at times. He makes me thankful for small and simple things.

I find myself steps closer to this place. My mom was concerned when I announced my move to Small Town, Idaho. She doesn't understand how a girl who has traveled the world would be content here. Six months in and I am in love. Life is slower...more savored...more simple. This year will be the beginning of the dream called Sutton Homestead. This blog will be the place to write about our adventures and to share with you the dream, realized.